Tarot card is pack of cards which include 22 Major Arcana Cards, 4 suits like Air, Fire, Water, Earth and 14 numbers within each suit. Total pack of 78 cards. There are Numbers like 0 to 10 and court cards are Page, Knight, Queen & King. There are 36 symbols to help us explain the meaning of event, situation or person unknown to you.
There is also Yes or No Tarot Reading.
These cards can be cut, shuffled and drawn as we draw playing cards. Every Card gives us unique message which needs to be deciphered intelligently. This message can be related to an event, situation or a person.
Whenever you are not sure, uncomfortable, uncertain and clueless, to certain extent you can be relaxed taking help of tarot cards.
You can get the insight of any event, situation or a person in no time and therefore you can use it as often as possible.
Any living human being can use tarot card
Ipredict4u.in has brought to you a very simple online technique to give you interpretations of the cards associated with your question
Your results shall be available to you in pdf format on your email within 48 hours.
Want to use Tarot in any of the following manner:
Select 1 choice at a time = get the track number/s = fill up form = send for analysis